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New version Business 7.3 : Improved CAMT.054 Import

The management of payments received could be tedious, particularly in the case of duplicate payments or incorrect references. It is now possible to import an unlimited number of CAMT files at once, either by selecting the new "per folder" import, which will take all the XML files contained in a folder, or by directly selecting the ZIP file containing several files as received from the bank.

The import format options offer a new setting:

The Allocate surpluses to other customer invoices checkbox will automatically transfer amounts in excess of the paid invoice balance (less any reminder charges, see below) to other open customer invoices, in chronological order. If this option is not checked, or if there are no other open invoices, an advance will be automatically created and can be allocated to an invoice at a later date.

Remember that the maximum discount (which must be negative) lets the program know if it can consider an underpayment as a discounted payment.

The creation of payments is preceded by a control dialog allowing you to check automatic allocations (in green) or define them manually (in blue):

To manually assign a payment to another invoice (instead of making an advance), simply select the corresponding payment. The customer's other open invoices will appear in a list on the left, where you can designate the invoice to be paid by clicking on the Use button.

It may also happen that the program is unable to determine the customer (for example, if you have deleted the invoice after sending it to the customer). By selecting the payment from the list, you will see all the information attached to the payment by the bank, including the debtor's name and address. You can then click on the Payment Customer code box to select the customer manually. If you don't do this, an error message listing unallocated payments will be generated at the end of the import, which you can archive for later resolution.

Finally, this import format also automatically handles payments received following the sending of BVR (QR inpayment slip) template letters, where the invoice is created only on receipt of payment. This method is used in particular for appeals for donations or subscriptions, and these payments appear in orange.

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