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Office Maker égérie


Your information will in no case be passed on to third parties and will be treated confidentially.

Cloud (mensualité)
Purchase with update subscription
Purchase without update subscription

CHF 19.-

CHF 19.-

CHF 27.-

CHF 23.-

CHF 55.-


CHF 385.-

CHF 29.-

CHF 652.-

CHF 519.-

CHF 1'370.-


CHF 290.-


CHF 490.-

CHF 390.-

CHF 990.-


 â€‹All prices are in Swiss francs, including 7.7% VAT.

The license is valid for one user. You can of course order additional licenses if you want to work in a multi-user environment. Use our quote request form for this.


You will be free to move your software from one computer to another, switch from macOS to Windows, choose hosting over desktop ... whenever you want.  


Cloud version

Minimum duration of 12 months, monthly installments payable quarterly in advance, secure hosting in Switzerland. Update subscription included: permanent access to new versions and hotline. The monthly payment is collected per user and per managed company. Allow a few days for the opening of your Cloud access.


Purchase with update subscription

Single payment. One year of update subscription included: permanent access to new versions and hotline . The subscription is tacitly renewed from year to year but can be canceled with 3 months notice. The annual subscription for Finance Light amounts to 95.-, Business Light 162.-, Staff Light 129.-. A purchased license allows you to manage an unlimited number of companies.


Purchase without subscription to updates

Single payment. Without subscription to updates. Telephone assistance at following number: 0900 576 900 (3.13 per minute from the fixed network). Please note: if you want to subscribe to the updates later, you will have to make up for the contributions due since the purchase. A purchased license allows you to manage an unlimited number of companies.



Questions ? Contact us!

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